Ein Vortrag von Dietmar Koering, Arphenotype.com
Mittwoch, 9. März 2011 20 Uhr
Coworking Space Gasmotorenfabrik, Deutz-Mülheimer Str. 129, 51063 Köln, 3. Etage, neben der Dingfabrik
„From utopian dream, though network up to a living organism, as a nomadic urban autonomous system designed for local, national and international awareness of water, energy, natural systems and urban rethinking – self sufficient and resourceful.“
Der Architekt Dietmar Koering zeigt uns in einem Vortrag anhand seiner Arbeiten die gestalterischen und technischen Möglichkeiten aktueller und zukünftiger Architektur.
Zu Dietmar Koering: „Dietmar Koering has maintained a deep interest in blurring and observing the boundaries between various artistic disciplines. Currently he is focusing upon utilizing techniques and constraints present within the production of synthetic systems and immersive digital virtual environments to influence his architectural thoughts and potential modes of production. Since the advent of the computer chip, all of our productive capacities have become more computational driven, whether through the direct inculcation of codes from our CPUs or through our hands mutating from the psychological affective range of computer thought. BC = before Christus; the new meaning: before computers! Dietmar sees computation as an inextricably intrinsic property within our environment / universe and seek to utilize this property to reconceptualize the current state of architecture. In the future the lost body is predestinated; cruzified with electronical templates.“
Einen interessanten Einblick in Dietmars Arbeiten findet Ihr auf www.arphenotype.com
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, Einlass ist ab 19:30 Uhr.
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